Intro / Basics
Rules / Hints
Read Intro from Rulebook


Uniting the Ancient Games of
Chess and More!
Chebache® is a dynamic and exciting new board game
balancing strategy and chance
(for 2 players, ages 10 & up; 45 min. avg. game play).
Inspired by the classic games Checkers, Backgammon and Chess,
Chebache unites familiar elements of these classics while offering many unique modes of play.
Players of these classic games will recognize these similar concepts when playing Chebache.
(Click on heading link for more info. on these games.)
- Moving pieces in a diagonal direction from square to square. Direct verticle or horizontal moves are not allowed.
- Jumping pieces diagonally over other pieces in a jump or sequence of jumps, for both movement and strategic positioning.
- King pieces that may move or jump forward or backward.
- Moving pieces, according to die rolls, along a defined path towards a finish to win,
- Sending opposing pieces back by landing on them,
- Controlling spaces to restrict the opponent's movement,
- Rolling doubles allows double the movement
- The concept of check as a means for
threatening their opponent's pieces to gain major strategic advantage by putting
them on the defensive,
- The concept of checkmate as one way to win the game.
- The Chebache board layout and setup with the Backgammon board layout and setup,
as well as, Chess setup and Checkers setup. See how easy it is to remember.
Players will also recognize hints from other great games.
In addition to these familiar concepts, Chebache adds lots of strategy and excitement
by presenting completely new playing strategies.
Chebache involves continually choosing between a variety of options.
As you play, you will compare the values of strength and flexibilty
as you weigh the benefits of taking risks with those of playing it safe.
Playing Chebache®: The Basics
(For the complete rules go to: Rules/Hints)
Be the first player to move all your pieces into Finish.
Or ... trap your opponent's King in Chebache!
- Move your pieces along your path during your turn, according to die rolls
and an optional jump move.
- You move along a ``zig-zag''-like path which interweaves with your
opponent's -- alternating between Intersections where both paths cross
and Squares / Tivits of your own color (black or white).
(From Black's perspective)
Black's path:
White's path:
``Tivits'' are angle marks directing your path from which you turn, or pivot,
AND from which you have the option of moving backward.
Initial Setup & example of Tivits:

Left side of diagram shows initial setup for start of game
(2 pieces on each Tivit; 4 pieces and a King in Start --
for each player)
After completing your moves using dice, you have a free optional jump
move over Intersection(s) you control.
There's a limit of four pieces stacked per space, at any time.
There are no safes; pieces are always vulnerable:
- Any stacks on Intersections can be attacked and sent back to
Start by landing on them with a greater or equal number of pieces.
- Any stacks on Squares / Tivits can be threatened by
a ``check''-like situation by forming Chebaches
(triangular formations including two Intersections and the Square / Tivit
between them along the path).
- Pieces unable to escape a Chebache by the end of the next turn
are sent back to Start.
Example Chebache formations (on the same board position):
Black Chebache
White Chebache
threatening White piece(s):
threatening Black piece(s):
The KIng :
- A special King piece for each player
equals two normal pieces in power and stance and may be moved
in either direction, from any space.
Chebache King pieces:
- Use your powerful King with caution, since your opponent can capture it and
use it against you! Once captured, the King flips to
the attacker's color to become that players piece (each
King has a black and a white side).
- Achieve a sudden win, if your opponent's
King is unable to escape from a Chebache (similar to a "checkmate'' in Chess).
Now that you've learned the basics...
Learn To Play!
Chebache® is a registered trademark of Pardee Games.
This website & all contents Copyright © 1997-2014 Pardee Games.
All rights reserved.
Chebache is protected by U.S. Patent #'s 5,791,650; 6,062,562; D384,376.
Updated: Wed., Feb. 26, 23:35:05, 2014; Q's & comments: