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For some independent reviews of Chebache,
please read the following:
Latest Reviews:
Chebache - A New Strategy Game
--by Kelly Tompkins: Bellaonline's Board Game Editor
Excerpts from this review:
- "If you love strategy games such as Checkers, Backgammon and Chess, you’re sure to love Chebache. You’ll recognize elements from each of these classic games - and much more. The strategies are deep, the movement choices are plenty and the flow of the game is ever-changing."
- "...Backgammon has been my favorite strategy game, but it actually seems a little
boring compared to Chebache! (Sorry, Backgammon.) For the strategy board game lover, this is a great, challenging and fun game. It takes elements of the classics to a whole new level."
--by Baron Gamezombie (Werner Fee) for
Excerpts from this review:
- "...the tactical choices can change every turn."
- "For fans of backgammon-like games, this is an excellent choice."
Chebache: Very Deep Backgammon
-- by Mitch Thomashow for
(changed now to
Excerpts from this review:
- ``It has an elegant, extremely well conceived structure, providing
the players with accessible but complex decisions. Most important,
it's terrific fun, even exciting to play.''
- ``If you are looking for an exciting game built on familiar principles, that has
an addictive quality and will also stretch your strategic faculties, I strongly
recommend Chebache. I love this elegant game and I think you will too.''
Chebache / Pardee Games
-- by John J. McCallion for Games Magazine.
Selected among the
Top 5
abstract strategy board games for the Year 2000!
(Games Magazine, Games 100 List, Year 2000 Buyer's Guide, Dec. 1999).
Excerpt from this review:
- ``You'll appreciate its fascinating nuances...You will also be amazed
at how much originality, choice and action there is in this tiny arena.''
Review of Chebache
-- by Kerry Handscomb for Abstract Games Magazine
Excerpts from this review:
- ``I found the appearance of Chebache to be immediately appealing:
the board is a bold abstract design, consisting of an enlarged 4 X 4
checkerboard with symbols indicating the special function of some of the squares.''
- ``The effort is well worth the reward. This is an attractive and interesting game.''
Review of Chebache
-- by Todd Weaver & Brian Jelke of Kenzer & Company
for KODT (Knights of the Dinner Table) Magazine
Excerpts from this review:
- ``If you enjoy chess or backgammon, then you should get plenty of
game play out of Chebache, and it would be well worth adding to your
game collection.''
- ``Highly Recommended (and then some)''
Chebache: A Review
-- by Jake Davenport for
To our knowledge, this was the first review posted about Chebache.
Excerpts from this review:
- ``If you really like Backgammon, graduate to Chebache.''
- ``Whenever a game designer combines several ideas from
several games, I often find myself wishing I could just go back
and play the original game. Now, whenever I play Backgammon,
I find myself wishing that I was playing Chebache.''
-- by Lisa Kavanagh for
Excerpts from this review:
- "Chebache combines checkers, backgammon, and chess to challenge even the most serious strategists."
- "This is the kind of game you play with a friend for years, constantly challenging each other's intellect. The more you play, the more strategies you can develop, so the game is always challenging."
Pardee Games would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all those
who have taken the time to review Chebache and allowed us to either
post the review or link to it.
If you would like to review Chebache and have us post it or link
to it, please contact us to let us know.
Chebache® is a registered trademark of Pardee Games.
This website & all contents Copyright © 1997-2010 Pardee Games.
All rights reserved.
Chebache is protected by U.S. Patent #'s 5,791,650; 6,062,562; D384,376.
Updated Tues.., May.18, 23:36:46, 2010; Q's & comments: