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Strategy Game Chebache - Pieces Strategy Game Chebache - Pieces
Strategy Game Chebache - PiecesStrategy Game Chebache - Pieces
Strategy Game Chebache - Pieces
Strategy Game Chebache - Pieces
Strategy Game Chebache - Pieces
Strategy Game Chebache - Pieces
Strategy Game Chebache - Pieces
Strategy Game Chebache - Pieces
Strategy Game Chebache - PiecesStrategy Game Chebache - Pieces

Strategy Board Game Chebache
Strategy Game Chebache - Pronunciation

Strategy Game Chebache - The Ultimate Combination of Strategy and Chance

Board games enthusiasts comment on Chebache. " truly a metaphor for life. Many lessons to be learned there." and more thoughts from board game players that have played Chebache.

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Comments follow... :

Thomas A. Gilchrist says, in several emails dated 25 May 2000:


I've played Chebache 3 times now- won the first game and lost the last two to my 11-year-old son (who is becoming a fanatical player ;) ). We're still playing the basic rules (no kings, jumps or backwards moves). Despite the fact that we're really not playing the full game, I've got to agree that this is one of the most elegant and pleasant games to play I've ever come across. I agree with the reviewers who wrote that Chebache is the "thinking man's backgammon" and "If you like backgammon, you'll love Chebache." Before I played I thought this was a lot of hype, but if anything, they are understatements. I thought for a while that Plateau was my favorite pastime- in fact it was *the* standard against which I measured other games. Chebache is much more interesting, and with the addition of the dice, make it fascinating as no two games ever begin or end the same. I'm impressed that I can say this without ever having played with *all* the rules yet ;). You did a *tremendous* job on this game ... , bravo. Also (not to overuse the word), the design of the game board and pieces is quite elegant- looks *good*.


We played our first *real* game of Chebache last night - kings, backward jumps, et al. Very cool - and very elegant. I lost, however, it was a right to-the-finish type thing: I was down to my king on my 17 point, John had 2 pieces (1 on his 17 point and one on his 14) - his throw, and wouldn't you know it, he rolls a 4-1!. I was pleased with this result however, because it proved two things to me about Chebache - a) it's *much* more tactically interesting than standard backgammon and allows for a wider strategic scope and b) it ain't over 'til it's over baby! (this is not true of backgammon *at all* - esp. when playing with experienced opponents). Chebache has, I think, a great potential for the "4th down" come-from-behind plays and may be more forgiving of less than optimal plays early in the game. Time will tell on the latter.

Regardless, you have a *winner* here... I was a little concerned that the board would be a bit hard to estimate positions, but after last night's game, this proved untrue. The board is just different. Familiarity makes me appreciate its subtlety.




Well, I'd have to side with John von Neumann regarding games. True *games* (for exp. poker, backgammon and Chebache) have an unknown (or random) element--thus making them truly metaphors for life. Everything else (chess, go, othello, etc.) are mere calculations. No *true* art there IMHO. Chebache, I believe, is truly a metaphor for life. Many lessons to be learned there.

Karl Schulz says, via the website, on 17 Sept. 2000:

Chebache is great! I learned at Gen Con and have sucked my sister and parents into this great game. Thanks!

Neil Swint (doing drunken Scott Hall impersonation) writes, on 3 Oct. 2000:

Hey yo.
Its survey time again.
Who came here to see Chebache cause it kicks [butt]!
*loud cheering*
Looks like another one for the good guys.

Evan Siegworth emailed us on 18 Nov. 2000 to say:

Pardee Games!

Just had to send you off an email. I got my copy of Chebache yesterday and have yet only played one game. And that one game has me hooked! Very well done. I'm extremely impressed. You've achieved a beautiful balance between many many different elements, opening up all sorts of strategic plans. Yet at the same time created a game that is simple to play and simple to learn. Heck, I even really love the way it looks. Its very visually appealing. At first I thought of a game combining elements of other games, like Chess, checkers, Backgammon, etc, was alittle corny, but the reviews were just too good so I had to give it a try. But all those elements fit in very logically and naturally into the game. I'm going to highly recommend this game to everyone!



Craig Dalley emailed us around 29 Dec. 2000 and says:

I bought Chebache for my wife for Christmas, and it made a great gift! We both enjoyed playing it. Thanks for a fun new game.

Craig Dalley

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Updated Wed. Feb. 26, 15:16:54, 2014;  Q's & comments: