HigherGames Online Game Site offers many great features for an
exciting new gaming experience (features and Log In options below).

Clocks for speed games or just keeping track of elapsed time.

Assist option for tutorial help while playing. This shows the paths of movement and the spaces along the path. Space markers blink to show movement options for selected piece(s). Great for beginners!

Posted Rules for reference, including a Flash tutorial with animated examples of rules.

Pip Counters to help players determine who's ahead in the race to Finish.

Point Counters for matches or tournaments.

Undo for taking back move(s) to redo during the turn in progress.

Attacked / Jumping box for holding attacked or jumping pieces while action is in progress.

Chebache Warning to make sure that players know when pieces are threatened.

Error Notice to tell players why a move is not allowed.

Room Options for Casual Play, Rated Games and Tournament Games.



Numbers on pieces show how many pieces are stacked together on a given space. (Image shows starting set up.)

Notation for reference while playing and recording for posts or studying later (bottom left)

Chat for typed discussions with your opponent, watchers and/or others in the Chebache game room. (bottom right)

Room Chat for chatting with other Chebache players within the meeting room.

Talk for a live voice Chat option. (like talking on the phone). This is a private chat between the 2 people playing.

Private Chat for those within the meeting room that prefer to have a private conversation with someone.

Watch Mode for observing and chatting with other players as they play each other.

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Chebache ® is a registered trademark of Pardee Games.
This website & all contents Copyright © 1997-2006 Pardee Games.  All rights reserved.
Chebache is protected by U.S. Patent #'s 5,791,650; 6,062,562; D384,376.

Updated Mon. Feb. 20, 11:11:11, 2006;  Q's & comments: